A couple weekends ago Aaron and I went to Chicago. We had a wonderful time! I was nervous about leaving the boys with someone else for the whole weekend but to my relief they did just fine! It was so relaxing to have a weekend to ourselves. We stayed out as late as we wanted and didn't have to worry about anything. This was our first plane ride. It was so weird being that high above the ground and knowing that only air was holding you up. Everyone said that I would love flying...they were right!
Friday night when we arrived we got to our hotel and then took the L to a movie theater where we had dinner and watched the new Harry Potter movie (which I loved by the way). We got back around 1am. Saturday morning we took the L downtown. There we found Millennium Park. Here we saw one of the coolest sculptures I've ever seen.
It's called the Bean. It is a huge silver sculpture shaped like a kidney
bean. Because it's silver it reflects everything.
Then we walked down and around Michigan Ave. There is so much to see and so much shopping. In the evening we went down to the Navy Pier and walked around there and eventually went on the huge Farris Wheel.
The city was beautiful. Sunday we rented bicycles. It was a very fun way to get around the city. First we went to this amazing coffee shop called Intelligentsia. The espresso was fantastic and they even did Latte Art
We went on our own little chocolate tour. There is a place in the city that offers one but we just did it on our own. That led us to More Cupcakes. They are a quaint little shop that makes savory and sweet cupcakes. I was hoping to try their artichoke parmigiana cupcake, but they didn't have any savory ones on the day we were there. So we bought a salted caramel and a chocolate crème.
We rode around some more and for lunch we stopped at "The Big Bowl". It is an Asian cuisine place that had amazing food and even made their own ginger ale fresh every
day. It was yummy! We then rode to the beach and followed the shore line for a while. We decided to stop and enjoy our cupcakes. Then we tried to build a sand castle, but we didn't have any tools. We tried to use the box our cupcakes came in but that didn't work out so well. Eventually it became a sand mountain.
That evening we had some Chicago deep dish pizza with some friends. Later that night, we all when shopping at H&M. There I found a cute jacket and some hats for the boys. We left for the airport early the next morning. Truitt and Ephraim were very excited to see us. We had a great time but it’s good to be home.