Every once in a while a day comes along where you accomplish a lot. Today was one of those days! I stayed on top of the laundry. (I usually get distracted and forget to change it out) I swept the house, and mopped the bathroom and kitchen. I got rid of some clutter in the bedrooms. I even got my kids to eat some veggies at lunch! Let's just hope this keeps up!
Truitt is doing well. The other day he disciplined his bear. First he made the bear hit the truck, then he sent the bear to time out. He looked at us and explained why he put the bear in time out. Then he sat down with the bear and had a little heart to heart. The conversation when like this.
Truitt: "Why did you get a time out?"
Truitt: "That's right, you hit the truck."
Truitt: "What does the discipline chart say about hitting?"
So he proceeded to give the bear the appropriate punishment for hitting and even made the bear say he was sorry to the truck. He then looked at us and said "I'm going to make him hit the truck again."
Well at least he understands the standard we have in our house.
Ephraim is starting to talk more. I got him to say banana yesterday. He is really watching our mouths when we talk and is trying to mimic. He is also trying to learn how to get dressed and undressed. He already has great humor.
Aaron and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary of the day we met on Jan 29. He took me to the Peppercorn Duck Club. We had a very romantic dinner and had time to reconnect over yummy food. Then we got to experience the "chocolate bar". Oh yes you read that right CHOCOLATE BAR! Need I say more?
Well if I don't stop typing my productive day will turn into a semi-productive.