Monday, December 22, 2008


Do you ever wonder if somethings that don't seem to have a purpose actually do happen for a reason? For example it is currently 2:14 a.m. I am awake because Aaron and I stayed up until 12:30 watching a movie. However, at 1:00 a.m. our fire alarm started going off. We checked the whole house and there is no fire. We plugged in our carbon monoxide detector and it's fine. Chances are the current fire alarm has just gone coo coo, I mean it is old. Then you always have the "what if" thoughts and you don't feel safe. So Aaron is currently at Wal-Mart buying a new smoke detector. On the way to Wal-Mart he was pulled over. He didn't realize that he was in a construction zone and that the speed limit had changed to 45. He explained what he was doing to the cop and graciously the cop just gave him a ticket for "not wearing a seat belt". (Aaron was wearing a seat belt but a $10 ticket is much better than a $100 ticket)
So if it is just that the old smoke detector has lost it, and everything is fine, what was the purpose in this morning's events? Are they just some random things that happened or is there more to it than that? Is there some lesson we were supposed to have learned? Will we ever know?
Sorry if this blog sounds pointless, this is what you get from me at 2 a.m.
If the new fire alarm also sounds then we will be calling the fire dept. Hopefully all will be quiet in the Lowrey house and we can get some sleep.